Saturday, November 25, 2006

Those were the days

Remembering last year, what wonderful time I had, you may say jobless. I was living life king like- hanging out with friends (not to mention how many hours), reading books anything and everything. This year life has completely changed, far away from home town toiling hard to see my dreams realised, new friends, new atmosphere, busy life-style, now everything life offers is new. I know those were the days and the memories, are really close to my heart, but can anyone return me those memorable days, probably no even if the almighty can not.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

How life change

The verdict is given, Saddam to be hanged. Sometimes, i really wonder rather ponder how life took a u turn in his case. He was pretty contended to be the leader of Iraq till US forces forced him to hide in a undeground bunker, it would have been better if he could have selected some other hiding place, maybe inside a "Bush."

Monday, November 06, 2006

Welcome to World of Bloggers

Since, long i have been thinking of starting a blog, but it never happened due to some other reason. Today, i was determined to create one, thanks to a friend M who helped me. Hope, this will not be my first and final post.